To enroll in a health insurance plan, make sure that you have the correct documents with you. Your local enrollment assister can help. Follow up with your insurance company to be sure that your health insurance is ready for you to start using.
Enrollment Process
Enrollment Assisters are trained people who can help you enroll in a health care plan and look for the best health insurance options. They can also be called “insurance navigators” or “certified application counselors.”
Be ready to bring all of the information needed to sign up for health insurance for everyone who you will be trying to enroll or will be claimed as a dependent. This includes:
- Names
- Home and mailing addresses
- Social security numbers
- Employer and income information. Pay stubs or
W-2 forms can be used. - Your best estimate of what your household income will be for the year before taxes.
- Current health insurance plan information if you currently have health insurance.
- Information on how you file your taxes, such as individually or jointly with others.
- If appropriate, immigration documents to show status for eligibility.
After you have enrolled in a health insurance plan, make sure that you are enrolled correctly and completely before visiting your doctor or hospital.
If you tried to enroll in Medicaid and have not heard back after two weeks, you can contact your Medicaid office or go directly to your enrollment assister and they can help you follow up.
If your Medicaid application was denied, you can appeal the decision. Talk to your enrollment assister about how to do this. If you enrolled in health insurance through the Marketplace, you have some different options.
- Log into to make sure that you are enrolled completely.
- Call your insurance provider and ask them to check on your new insurance plan.
- Go directly to your enrollment assister and they can help you check.
Remember to pay the first monthly payment directly to the insurance company. If you need help finding out how to make a payment, call your health insurance company or talk to an enrollment assister. The first month is really important since most insurance companies will drop your health insurance coverage immediately if you are late on the first month payment. Also, remember to pay your premium every month directly to your insurance company.
You have to sign up for insurance coverage every year. There are many ways
to ensure that you can maintain your insurance after you have enrolled
in the Marketplace, Medicaid or CHIP.
If you are enrolled in the Marketplace and like your health insurance plan, you can sign up for automatic re-enrollment so that you can keep your current plan. Even if you sign up for automatic re-enrollment, it is important for you to review your health plan yearly. Premiums and providers covered by the plan may change year-to-year. You may end up paying more then you expect or not receive the benefits you thought you would.
If you are enrolled in Medicaid, your eligibility status will be reviewed every year. When this happens, you will receive a “Redetermination Form” from your local Medicaid office. Fill this out with the necessary copies they ask for and send it in immediately, or take it down to your local Medicaid Office. An enrollment assister can help you with this, or completing the form online. If Medicaid decides that you are no longer eligible, an enrollment assister can help you explore other insurance options.
If you are enrolled in CHIP and are turning 19 years old soon, you may no longer qualify for CHIP unless you are a foster care youth. An enrollment assister can help you apply for Medicaid or Marketplace options before you turn age 19.